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Rules and help

Admin's word

Happy to see here !


You'll find lot of informations for your addon.



First rules for your addon :


Use english language into your add-on.
Before, check the catalog to see similar addons, is your better quality ?

Your addon should be packaged in ZIP files with standard compression.

Your addon should work by decompressing it into Celestia's extras-folder.
Try to keep a little size for your addon (inf to 100 MB).

Did you include a README file which explains all details in texte format (see details below) ?
Use only letters, numbers, underscore, and minus in file names.
No rule for capitalization letters.


e.g. 'Addon_ex' =>zipped fle =

you'll find in :

addon_ex\ eventually,

addon_ex\objects.ssc (planets, moons, asteroids, comets, starbases, ships, ...)

addon_ex\doc\readme.txt (your text file, see below)

addon_ex\doc\pictures1.jpg ...

addon_ex\models\model1.cmod, ...




addon_ex\textures\medres\planet1spec.jpg, ..

Objects (if they exist) must be in cmod or 3ds format (in models directory)
Textures must be in textures/medres directory (jpg, png format).

We reserve the right to not offer an addon for download, or to remove it later.

All other things are imagination and quality...


This list may be updated.


To upload your addon :


1. Begin to contact me simply at
  in object : write the title of your add-on.
  in message : describe quickly your add-on.
2. I'll return a login/password to send your addon at
3. You send a email to tell me that the file is uploaded.
4. I contact you to tell you that I received your addon.
5. Later, I test your addon.
6. Two ways : good or not, if it's good, it is published.
                           if it's bad, I send you a mail with explainations.

Readme file

Example :


nicname presents Addon_1.
v1 on 'month year'.




This add-on is not to be distributed for profit, sold, bartered, nor rented.
It otherwise used for personal gain without express permission from the owner.
Permission is hereby given to all that wish to distribute or alter this add-on, as long as the above conditions are met.
You must also secure permission from the original author of the add-on, if you wish to alter this add-on.
I ask that you contact me for permission before you release it.
I reserve the rights to alter this at any time.
All rights are reserved.


LICENSE (for planets & moons)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, either (a) visit or, (b) send a letter to
Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.



Delete the previous files, if they exist.
Simply unzip this package into your extras directory. 

This version of add-on was designed using Celestia 1.6.1 or more (with star.dat 2.1c)  and in first for MS Users.

Short description of your addon.



Long description




In doc directory, you'll find the files :


If you would rather I not use any of your textures you may email me at

with object "Celestia - title_of_addon"

Thanks to :

 nickname1 for his original model (abcd) : http://site included and updated by nickname in cmod (or 3ds)


Some textures are original creations, insomuch as they are not unaltered copies. 
Some textures were based on my existing add-ons,
Other textures were based on existing add-ons, but were graphically manipulated like :
 Planet1        name (by nickname2) : from addon1 (http://site/...)

 Planet2        name2 (by nickname3) : from addon2 (http://site2/...),

Thanks to the creators and maintainers of the Celestia program, located at ,
the Celestia forum located at ,


Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Bridge Commander, Armada, Klingon Academy, 
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Best regards.


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