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Terra Nova


Author : bdfd

Date : apr 2015

Update : aug 2023


Terra nova aka Eta Cas III is the third planet in the Terra nova system located in Alpha quadrant.
Terra nova is in the Cassiopea constellation located about 19.33 light years from Sol.
It is the novian homeworld, a Minshara-Class planet orbiting the binary star.
These stars are an yellow dwarf type G3V and an late-orange dwarf (K7V),
around ~13 and ~105 astronomical units from the first.


Terra nova system is near Earth Colony (5.5 LY), Sig Dra (11.2 LY) and Tellar (12.9 LY).

Terra Nova was discovered in the 21st century by astronomers working for the Space Agency.
Due to its proximity to Earth, the decision was made to establish a colony on the planet.
Terra Nova was a Class M planet located less than twenty light years from Earth.
It was the site of the first Human colony outside the Sol system and was founded in 2078 after a nine-year flight from Earth.
The crew of Enterprise in 2151 is going to investigate what happened to the Terra Nova colony.
This was the first extra-solar Earth colony, and they lost all contact after a couple of unfriendly transmissions.
When they arrive at the colony, they find no one, only a ghost town.
The site also has a low level of radiation that would be harmful to Humans in the long term.
In the late 24th century, starbase 33 turns around Terra nova which has two billions inhabitants.

The USS DELESTREZ goes out Starbase 33 and shuttles 'Scarpe' and Argo are awaiting it.
The USS Achilles turns around starbase 33.
The USS Poseidon : NX-78010
Length: 480 meters
Beam: 160 meters
Height: 105 meters
Ships in service: USS Poseidon and USS Voyager NCC-74656-A
USS W.T. Riker arrives near starbase, it's a new prototype.
USS Wolf protects starbase.

A journey from Sun to Terra nova gives with okuda table :
    At warp 5.0 : 33.1 days (Enterprise)
   at warp 7.0 : 10.8 days (Tos)
   at warp 9.0 :  4.7 days (Tng)
   at warp 9.9 :  2.3 days (USS DELESTREZ v4)
   at warp 9.9+:  1.0 days (Voyager)

spacedocks v5
USS Delestrez v4
more moons


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