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Tellar Prime

Author : bdfd

Date : May 2011 -  update : Jan 2024


Tellar Prime is the fifth planet in the Tellar system in Alpha quadrant.
Tellar is the mountainous homeworld of the Tellarites.
Tellar has two natural satellites Kera and Phinda.
Tellar aka 61 Cygni is in the cygnus constellation, located about 11.4 light years from Sol.
This system is a binary orange dwarf (K5V and K7V).

Tellar is near Altair (9.7 LY), Sigma Dra (11.2 LY) and Sol (11.4 LY).

Tellar is the capital planet of the United Planets of Tellar, one of the five founding members of the United Federation of Planets.
Tellarites were warp-capable at least since the 20th century (1946), but they only made contact with humans on March 21, 2153, by the Starfleet ship Enterprise NX-01.
Tellarites are a porcine-humanoid species.
In 2155, it became one of the founding members of the Coalition of Planets and later,
in 2161, the United Federation of Planets.

(ENT: "Demons", "Zero Hour")
Tellar is the location of the Tellar Prime Shipyards called Seskon Trella, Chagala.

(TNG video game: Armada II),
Tellar Prime Shipyards make Norway class frigate.
Starfleet's main outpost in the Tellar system was Starbase 223.

(TOS roleplay module: Planets of the UFP)


Starbase 223 and its drydocks turn around Tellar.
Each drydock contains a vessel (3 Norway class and USS Sovereign)
Three another Norway-class are in spacedock 223.
The USS DELESTREZ is near Starbase.
Shuttles Scarpe and Argo come into USS Delestrez.
13 Tellarite vessels turn around tellarite base.

A journey from Sun to Tellar A gives with okuda table :
At warp 5.0  : 19.4 days (Enterprise)
at warp 7.0  :  6.3 days (Tos)
at warp 9.0  :  2.7 days (Tng)
at warp 9.9  :  1.3 days (USS DELESTREZ v5)

 at warp 9.9+:  0.6 day (Voyager)

Tellarite base and fleets.jpg

All textures are in diffuse, emissive, specular and normal modes

Starbase 223.jpg
Workbee around Sovereign.jpg
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