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Author : bdfd

Date : Apr 2014 - Update : Aug 2022


Daran aka 70 Virginis (HIP 65721), is in Virgo constellation at 59.0 light-years from Sun
The system is a solar-like star with a G5V spectral type but bigger and lighter.
Daran V aka Kachissat is the fifth telluric planet in the Daran system located in Beta quadrant.
It's a world like Earth with Sea-blue Class-M planet and its two moons.
Daran IX has a higher rotation speed and its asteroid goes quickly around its planet.


Daran system is near Barzan (14.8 LY), Arcturus (24.5 LY) and Barradas (34.6 LY)

It's the 21th Federation Member since 2230.
* Lorina, also known as Daran IV, is a class M planet in sector 54R's Daran star system, which was settled in 2270 by the Fabrini after
the arrival of the world-ship Yonada.
As of 2273, the planet had a city in which a large number of the Fabrini lived, along with a number of farms outside the city.
A number of underground passages were also created for the Fabrini to live in - after centuries of living in such passages
many Fabrini felt more comfortable living in those rather than above ground.

(TOS novel: Ex Machina).
* Kachissat, also known as Daran V, is a planet in the Daran star system.
Kachissat is the home of a species of avians known as the Shesshran.
The planet has a dense atmosphere, with an atmospheric pressure 3.4 times, and gravity force 1.65 times that of a standard Class M planet.
10,000 years ago, the planet was home to a species of avians known as the Tishiki.
When the Fabrina star went supernova, Kachissat was devastated by the explosion, and many of the Tishiki died in the aftermath.
Those who survived became known as the Shesshran, and spent the interim time rebuilding their technology.
(TOS novel: Ex Machina, ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

Starbase 40 turns around Daran V.
Labo 40 turns around Daran IV and shuttle Argo turns around Labo.
USS Delphin, Duke and Edward are at docks to paint them.
USS Eagle goes out starbase.
The USS DELESTREZ arrives near Starbase.
USS Archangel and USS Trent protect the starbase.
USS Event-Horizon will be start to experimental journey.

A journey from Sun to Daran gives with okuda table :
   At warp 5.0 : 100.7 days (Enterprise)
   at warp 7.0 :  32.9 days (Tos)
   at warp 9.0 :  14.2 days (Tng)
   at warp 9.9 :  7.0 days (USS DELESTREZ v4)
   at warp 9.9+:  3.1 days (Voyager)

new textured star,
normal textures,
new catalogs.


Daran system.jpg
Daran sector.jpg
USS Eagle.jpg
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