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Barisa Prime

Author : bdfd

Date : Feb 2014 - Updated May 2022

SB621 docks.jpg

Barisa Prime is the third planet in the Barisa system, it is a planet located near Tzenkethi space

in alpha quadrant and it is the site of a Federation colony near the Ficus Sector.

Barisa Prime is a beautiful planet (with Sea-green Class-M planet with oceans) and 2 moons.

Barisa aka HD 166, is in a single system at 44.9 light-years from Sun.

The system is a late yellow dwarf with a G8V spectral type (latest gaia's catalog).

The system has two particulars planets : Bortia, a jovian with two rings

and Byrime with 3 moons and their very elliptic orbit.

Barisa is near Peliar Zel (11.5 LY), Trill (17.9 LY) and Fahleena (19.0 LY).


It is a Federation Member since 23th century.

The planet was the location for the signing of the Treaty of Barisa.

In late 2371, the USS Defiant (NX-74205) received a truncated message from Barisa Prime indicating that the colony had been attacked and destroyed by Tzenkethi forces.

(DS9: "The Adversary").

In fact, most of population had evacuated the planet with all available vessels.

In 2403, Barisa prime is with a population of 600 millions.


Starbase 621 turns around Barisa and type17 shuttle is at docks.

USS DELESTREZ and its shuttles turn around Starbase.

USS Discovery, USS Alita and USS Upholder protect starbase.



New starbase (shiro class),

Updated textures for planets,

Specular texture for Barisa,

New textured vessels & shuttles.


Normal textures

New catalogs


A journey from Sun to Barisa gives with okuda table at cruise speed :

  warp 5.0 : 76.3 days (Enterprise)

 warp 7.0 : 24.9 days (Tos)

 warp 9.0 : 10.8 days (Tng)

 warp 9.9 :  5.4 days (USS Delestrez v4)

 warp 9.9+:  2.3 days (Voyager)

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