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Argelius system

Author : bdfd

Date : Apr 2015

Updated : May 2022

Planet Argelius is the second planet in the Argelius system of the beta Quadrant near

Romulan empire.
Argelius II is a cool-like Class M world which has one, natural satellite named Argala.
Argelius is a binary in the Iota leo system, at 77.2 LY from Sun and near neutral zone.
The main star is a F3V cooler than our Sun , the second is a G3V.
According to a non-canon source, "The Worlds of the Federation", the star that Argelius II orbits is named Argelius B (apparently part of a binary star system with Argelius A).

Argelius system is near 88 leo (6.0 LY), Cheron (21.4 LY) and Barradas (26.4 LY).

Argelius II (known as Nelphia to its inhabitants) is located in the Argelius sector,
orbiting the star Rho Magnin (Argelius B) in the Ciatella star system.
It is home to the Argelians, the current population of Argelius is about 2 billion.
As the Argelians began to rebuild their world and their society, Argelius began to look like a paradise.
By the late 22nd century, Argelius began to attract visitors from all over the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, with its most frequent visitors being from the Federation.
In 2230, Argelius joined the Federation and became an important space port.

(ST reference: Star Trek Maps)
By the 2250s and 2260s, Argelius was a popular shore leave destination for Starfleet officers,
given its varieties of bars and casinos, as well as the friendly culture.


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Starbase 70 turns around Argelius II.
USS Awahanee and vulcan freighter are in spacedocks.
USS Majestic goes out spacedocks.
USS majesty with fighters and shuttle Venture turn around starbase.
USS Arcadia-D and USS Iva protect starbase.
The USS DELESTREZ is near Starbase.
Shuttle Scarpe comes into USS Delestrez.
Shuttle Argo goes out starbase for USS Delestrez.

A journey from Sun to Argelius II gives with okuda table :
  at warp 5.0 : 131.8 days (Enterprise)
at warp 7.0 :  43.0 days (Tos)
at warp 9.0 :  18.6 days (Tng)
at warp 9.9 :   9.2 days (USS DELESTREZ v4)
at warp 9.9+:   4.0 days (Voyager)

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