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Andoria system v2

Author : bdfd                                                                                     Date : February 2022 - Update : Jan 2024


Planet Andoria is the third moon around giant gaseous planet.

It's in the Andoria system of the Beta Quadrant  at 12.8 LY from Sun.

It's located in the Canis minoris constellation.

It's a young iced class-M planet with few lakes and seas and lot of iced deserts.

Andoria aka Procyon is a big yellowdish dwarf (F5IV-V) with a white dwarf.

Its well known neighbourhoods are Sirius (5.2 LY), Sol (11.4 LY) and Axanar (11.5 LY).

The founding members are located at : 

Sol :   11.4 LY, 

Alf Cen A :  13.0 LY, 

Vulcan : 13.1 LY, 

Tellar : 20.8 LY.


Andorian history is characterized by initial conflicts with most neighboring species and the final alliance with its old adversaries,culminating in the founding of the United Federation of Planets.

In 2155, the Andorians along with the Tellarites were greatly disappointed in the Vulcan government not aiding the Coalition members against the aggressive actions of the Romulan Star Empire.

Many other bodies in the system are colonised by the andorians, with kazzan being

the second most populated after andoria with is dilithium mining moon Olith and shipyards.

We are in 2401, for the 240th birthday of Federation, Earth, Vulcan, Tellar and Andoria sent old vessels. 

Earth :  NX-01 Enterprise v2

Andoria : Kumari cruiser's Shran 

Vulcan : D'Kyr cruiser's T'Pol 

Tellar :  Ranx destroyer's Gral


Starbase 7 turns around Andoria.

You'll find Andoria shipyards with 4 drydock-sov and Steamrunner class built inside.

USS DELESTREZ with its shuttles, Taholsin destroyer and USS Andoria protect Starbase.

USS Typhon turns around Andor's rings.

USS Warrior goes out spacedocks.

2 Steamrunner class with a Kumari cruiser are at spacedocks.

Andorian Mining Spaceport turns around Olith, a moon around Kazzan with a Ray class freighter (USS Becquerel) and a Taholsin destroyer.

Olith shipyards turns around Olith with a Kumari cruiser.

A journey from Sun to Andoria gives with okuda table at cruise speed : 

 at warp 5.0 : 19.5 days (Enterprise) 

 at warp 7.0 :  6.4 days (Tos) 

 at warp 9.0 :  2.8 days (Tng) 

 at warp 9.9 :  1.4 days (USS DELESTREZ v5)

 at warp 9.9+:  0.6 days (Voyager)

All textures are in diffuse, emissive, specular and normal modes

Birthday of federation.jpg
USS Becquerel.jpg
USS Baton rouge.jpg
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