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Ajilon Prime

Author : bdfd

Date : Jan 2014

Updated : Mar 2020

Planet Ajilon is the third planet in the Ajilon system of the Beta Quadrant 
near Klingon border in Archanis sector.
It's a late class-M planet with few lakes and lot of deserts in the Lepus constellation.
Ajilon aka HD 39071 or TYC 5922-259-1 is an orange dwarf (K1V) at 93.3 LY from Sun.


Its neighbourhoods are Archanis (6.4 LY), Turkana (8.8 LY) and Gault (17.8 LY).

It's a Federation Member since 23rd century it is a human colony near Klingon border.
Tananda Bay is a Starfleet base on Ajilon Prime.
In 2373, the planet was attacked by the Klingons during the Federation-Klingon War.
At Ajilon, 9th Fleet forces conducted landing force support operations against Klingon forces on planet.
It appears in DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong".
The planet is home to a human colony with three settlements and a population of 3 billion.

USS Accolade, USS Aries, USS Awahanee are at spacedocks,
USS Delestrez and its shuttles are near Starbase 59,
USS Ferdinand and USS Hardway protect the starbase,
USS Lexington is inside Starbase 59.

A journey from Sun to Ajilon gives with okuda table at cruise speed :
 at warp 5.0 : 127.7 days (Enterprise)
 at warp 7.0 :  41.7 days (Tos)
 at warp 9.0 :  18.0 days (Tng)
 at warp 9.9 :   9.0 days (USS Delestrez v4)
 at warp 9.9+:  3.8 days (Voyager)

v2.1 ok with any stars catalog

new stars textured with sunflares,...

Ajilon system.jpg
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