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Mar 04th 2021 : Mars2020 Perseverance v1.0
Author : bdfd
Date : Feb 2014
Update : March 2022
Author : bdfd
Date : Feb 2014
Update : March 2022
Author : bdfd
Date : Jan 2014 => Updt April 2020
Author : bdfd
Date : Jan 2014 => Updt April 2020
Celestia Addons

Alpha Centauri system
Author : bdfd
Date : Oct 2014 - Updated : July 2022

Velestus is the fourth planet in the alf Cen A system and a M-class.
Trinary Alf Cen system is located in the Beta Quadrant at 4.3 LY from Sun.
Alpha Centauri A is a G-class star (G2V), Mass=1.1 sol, Diam=1.2 Sol and Lum=1.6 sol.
It is one of the five members who founded the United Federation of Planets in 2161.
New Montana is the third planet in the alf Cen B system and a M-class.
Alpha Centauri B is a K-class star (K3V), Mass=0.85 sol, Diam=0.87 Sol and Lum=0.46 sol.
Proxima II is the second planet in the alf Cen C system at 4.2 LY from Sun.
Alf Cen C is a M-class star (M5V), Mass=0.12 sol, Diam=0.14 Sol and Lum=0.00006 sol.
Alf Cen is near Sol (4.3 LY), Sirius (9.5 LY) and Draylax (9.7 LY).

Between 2069 and 2119, humans founded an outpost on one or more planets in this system.
Alpha Centauri is the fifth founding member of the Federation, along with Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar.
The Proxima colony is one of the oldest Earth colonies, established prior to the 2150s.
Starbase 6 turns around Velestus.
The Centauri shipyards turn around starbase.
Built vessels are Interceptor class, Darwin class, Commonwealth class and Abante class.
USS DELESTREZ turns around Star.
USS Apex goes out spacedocks.
Starbase Montana turns around New Montana with Argo Shuttle.
Starbase Proxima turns arouns Proxima II with Scarpe shuttle.
A journey from Sun to Star gives with okuda table at cruise speed :
warp 5.0 : 7.33 days (Enterprise)
warp 7.0 : 2.40 days (Tos)
warp 9.0 : 1.04 days (Tng)
warp 9.9 : 0.50 days (USS DELESTREZ v4)
warp 9.9+: 0.22 days (Voyager)